Video: The mighty S1 being prepared for the Pikes Peak return

By Johan Laubscher

Few cars are as legendary and iconic as the Audi S1 that competed at Pikes Peak in 1987. The car that was driven to victory along with a record breaking time by Walter Röhrl has achieved cult status amongst Audi fans. The car now resides in the Audi Tradition collection, but 2012 has some exciting news in store for the car. The car, along with its original driver Walter Röhrl will be at Pikes Peak in July for a demonstration run up the recently paved Pikes Peak hillclimb route. Audi fans from around the world will once again be able to see this monstrous car racing towards the sky.

The car is being prepared for it return to Pikes Peak, the video bellow (in German) shows the car during its preparation. Well worth the watch and the car still sounds amazing after all these years. Enjoy: 

Pikes Peak Preparation


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